We’re keeping our distance but very much open for business!

With the COVID-19 situation continuing to evolve on an almost hourly basis, we’ve all had to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach to how we go about our lives.

While the number of cases reported in Australia is still small, the current projections suggest strain on our health services is likely to be unprecedented.

The current advice from authorities does not involve the closure of businesses. However, we believe that implementing social distancing measures in organisations like our own can make a positive contribution to ‘flattening the curve’ of transmission.

So as of this week, we’ll be implementing social distancing measures.

Why are we implementing social distancing?

Social distancing refers to actions taken to minimise the contact between people with the aim of reducing exposure to and transmission of infection. It accepts that it is not possible to spread the transmission of COVID-19 altogether.

Instead, the purpose is to delay the rate of transmission over a longer period of time. This in turn helps to ease the strain on our health services by ensuring the proportion who will require access to finite people (doctors), facilities (ICU beds) and equipment (ventilators) won’t all need these things at the same time.

If you’re interested, check out this detailed article that is currently going viral (pun intended) on Medium about what we currently know about rates of transmission elsewhere and the effects of comprehensive social distancing measures.

What does this mean for our work?

This means the Beacon Strategies team will be taking the following approach:

  • implementing remote work arrangements for all of our team members to help keep them, their families and the wider community healthy, safe and well

  • postponing upcoming travel and face-to-face engagements

  • where possible, seeking to undertake planned community/stakeholder engagement activities and meetings using technology

  • working through any implications for delivering on projects with our client partners

  • continuing to monitor and review the advice being provided by authorities.

We would like to emphasise our commitment during this period to working alongside our valued client partners to ensure continuity of our projects.

We are very much ‘open for business’ and are confident that through effective remote working, there will be no impact on our ability to deliver on our current projects and to continue to explore and take on new work.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team to chat more about our existing work, or to discuss a new opportunity.

Stay safe and well!

The Beacon Strategies team


Making our way through uncertainty


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