Review of Brisbane North PHN Funded Psychological Therapies: Brisbane North PHN

Status: Completed October 2018

Client: Brisbane North PHN


Beacon Strategies was commissioned by Brisbane North PHN to collect the perspectives of diverse stakeholders, in the interest of improving Brisbane North PHN funded psychological services to better meet the needs of the community. The purpose of the review was to better understand the current state and potential future state of Brisbane North PHN funded psychological therapy services. The review was intended to inform subsequent review phases and was the first step in the reform of Brisbane North PHN funded psychological therapy services.

The intent of the initial stages of the review was:

  • To look at program delivery in a fresh way, consult widely and gather broad stakeholder insights

  • Make sense of all of the possibilities and articulate a number of potential service models to meet the needs of the region


The objectives of the review were to:

  • Consult with relevant stakeholders and capture input relating to the current and potential future states of PHN-funded psychological therapy services

  • Understand existing program utilisation and high-level outcomes against the domains of effectiveness, efficiency, appropriateness, accessibility and sustainability.

  • Identify potential alternate service models that may better meet the needs of the Brisbane North PHN population.

  • Support Brisbane North PHN to undertake subsequent phases of the review (i.e. Develop and Deliver).




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Delivery of needs assessment, service design, and evaluation training: Ipswich City Council