Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams: COORDINARE (South Eastern NSW PHN)
Status: Completed in October 2020
Client: Coordinare (South Eastern NSW PHN)
Partners: Illawara Shoalhaven LHD, New South Wales Ministry of Health (MoH), Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative & inside out and associates
Through the Towards Zero Suicides Initiatives, the NSW Government has invested $87 million over three years into new suicide prevention initiatives.
These new services will be funded by NSW Ministry of Health, but delivered locally by the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District in partnership with a range of local organisations and networks. As part of the Towards Zero Suicides investment in NSW, a portion of this funding is being allocated to Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT) over three years.
COORDINARE engaged Beacon Strategies in this project to support with the documentation and reporting of the co-design process back to the local steering group, to help support the transition of the service model into implementation.
The co-design process was facilitated by inside out and associates australia, primarily with a small and deeply engaged co-design group of people with lived experience of suicide and people with service provider experience, combined with targeted engagement and contributions from other perspectives.
Additional engagement opportunities and feedback was sought from a broader network of people with lived experience and working in services across the Illawarra Shoalhaven region.
A comprehensive report of the co-design process was developed, outlining the themes that emerged from each meeting of the co-design group and broader survey findings.
Co-design findings were then collated and a report was developed for the client detailing the following elements:
A report was developed for the PHN outlining the key findings and suggestions for implementation.
Principles of the service
Required resources
Recommended service partnerships
Staffing criteria
Operational pathways
Service priority groups
Communication and engagement
Service reporting and,
Procurement / delivery of the service model
This report was concluded with suggestions outlining what the next steps were for the local implementation of SPOT in Illawarra Shoalhaven that remained consistent with the findings of the co-design process as well as the principles and elements of the NSW MoH’s Statewide Requirements for the SPOT Initiative.
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