Bribie Island After- Hours Pilot Project: Brisbane North PHN

Status: Completed April 2021

Client: Brisbane North PHN


Following an after-hours needs assessment conducted by Brisbane North PHN, it was identified that residents and visitors of Bribie Island do not have access to after-hours care. The closest available after-hour supports are located off the island and the closest Medical Deputising Service (MDS) and emergency department is based in Caboolture, approximately 20 kilometres away.

Based on consistent feedback from members of the Bribie Island community and findings in the needs assessment, the Department of Health has allocated funding to Brisbane North PHN to improve access to after-hours services on Bribie Island. As part of this project, Beacon Strategies was commissioned to run stakeholder engagements that will inform a primary care model for after-hours service delivery.


The after-hours primary care model has been co-designed through external consultations with local stakeholders such as general practitioners, service providers, and local communities.

In order to develop an optimal model for tender, our tailored project approach was guided by the following phases:

  • Desktop research - Understand local needs and system issues relating to the project through a variety of data and sources 

  • Stakeholder engagement loop 1 - Explore model options and identify design considerations through an engagement process

  • Development of service model - Develop conceptual service model using visual design outputs, including a program logic model and client journey map

  • Stakeholder engagement loop 2 - Assess model components, assumptions and considerations for the establishment, implementation and evaluation of the model and seek feedback from stakeholders and local community members

  • Service model refinement - Refine service model based on the second loop of stakeholder engagement and present a summary of implementation, establishment and evaluation considerations to be used to develop the tender


Based on findings from the co-design process, a number of local factors and key design elements were presented by Beacon Strategies to comprise the after-hours service model, service design elements include:

  • services offered

  • leading organisation/s

  • location and operating hours

  • workforce

  • inward connection pathways and access

  • outward connection pathways

  • governance and accountability

  • evaluation and measures of success

  • sustainability

  • communications and engagement

Following approval of the service model from the team at Brisbane North PHN, a tender has been released by the PHN for the Bribie Island After-Hours Pilot Project operating from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024. You can check it out here.

You can stay up to date with all of our current projects via our social media. If you would like to have a chat with one of our friendly team members we would love for you to get in touch.


Strategic planning support: Footprints Community


Program Evaluation: Act for Kids