Our blog

We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors. 

Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.

World Suicide Prevention Day: Action and system change

Suicide prevention affects us all. The projects we have worked on alongside our clients are part of the driving force behind transformative change toward suicide prevention efforts in Australia. Here is a summary of a few different projects we have worked on.

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Impact Measurement in the Not-for-Profit Sector: Learning from Six Varied Approaches

Impact measurement is an intriguing concept that many not-for-profit organisations are contemplating. While there's no universally accepted approach, it's worth examining how different organisations have experimented with this concept, both in the present and the past.

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Strutting Down Bradshaw Boulevard: Navigating the Taxonomy of Needs with Carrie and Jonathan

Today, we're putting the spotlight on two Bradshaws - Carrie, the ever-fashionable protagonist of "Sex and the City," and Jonathan, the British scholar who introduced the Taxonomy of Needs. How do these two relate? Read on to find out…

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End-of-year project wrap-up: 2022

Over 2022, we worked alongside Primary Health Networks, Local Health Networks and Not-for-Profits to complete over 37 projects. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to every organisation that has granted us the opportunity to collaborate and contribute to their mission. It is the collective efforts and shared dedication that have made our achievements possible.

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Is there such a thing as the perfect strategic plan for not-for-profit organisations?

The pace of planning and change has been particularly high for many NFPs over the last few years as a result of sector reforms. There appears to be a general tendency to more planning and re-planning with little time to deliver. This blog offers insights to encourage NFP leaders to refresh their approach next time the strategic planning cycle rolls around.

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