Our blog

We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors. 

Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.

World Suicide Prevention Day: Action and system change

Suicide prevention affects us all. The projects we have worked on alongside our clients are part of the driving force behind transformative change toward suicide prevention efforts in Australia. Here is a summary of a few different projects we have worked on.

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Is there such a thing as the perfect strategic plan for not-for-profit organisations?

The pace of planning and change has been particularly high for many NFPs over the last few years as a result of sector reforms. There appears to be a general tendency to more planning and re-planning with little time to deliver. This blog offers insights to encourage NFP leaders to refresh their approach next time the strategic planning cycle rolls around.

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Co-Design: The Three Essential Elements for Success

(Quick Read) Co-design is a powerful approach to creating solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders. In this blog, we'll explore the three essential elements for effective co-design: commitment, capability, and capital.

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Why you should undertake client journey mapping

Journey mapping can be used to design or refine your programs and services in order to provide your clients with a better experience, and to help you understand what your client is doing, thinking, and feeling during their ‘journey,’ when using your service. We explain what’s involved in client journey mapping and why you should do it.

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Implementing our strategic plan - 5 principles to guide our way

With the ink still drying on our five-year strategic plan (2022 - 2027) we are now shifting gears to implementation. For many organisations, operationalising their strategic plan can be a daunting process. For us, we are keeping things as simple as humanly possible and being guided by 5 principles to help us get out of the blocks.

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