Our blog

We believe in sharing the knowledge and learnings we capture through our work with people and organisations across the health and social services sectors. 

Our blog consists of thoughtful and practical content and insight across a range of topic areas that aims to better enable people and organisations to plan, design, implement and evaluate their work.

What is social prescribing? A South Eastern NSW case study (1/3)

With the continued focus on social prescribing as a ‘high-value, low-cost’ way of improving the responsiveness of the health system, we thought it would be worthwhile to unpack some of what we learnt in that project to share with other PHNs commissioning social prescribing service models or linkage program providers. This blog is the first of three in a South Eastern NSW case study series: what is social prescribing?

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Aged Care Innovation: The Buurtzorg Model

The Buurtzorg Model has transformed community-based aged nursing in the Netherlands, at scale, to keep older adults healthy and out of hospital. But can the Buurtzorg Model be translated to the Australian context? Is it possible to reverse or better leverage the trend of an increasingly non-clinical in-home aged care workforce? How do we shift from delivering aged care services transactionally to relationally?

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Not-for-profits, Service design Guest User Not-for-profits, Service design Guest User

Presenting the 'Supported Mothers, Stronger Futures' service model to the Acacia Ridge community

We were engaged by Acacia Ridge Community Support Inc (ARCSI) to co-design a service model of community-based antenatal care coordination for the Acacia Ridge and nearby communities. A few weeks ago, we proudly presented the findings of this service design process at a workshop led by ARCSI and attended by a range of interested stakeholders.

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Service design, Not-for-profits Guest User Service design, Not-for-profits Guest User

The locally available service mix to enhance the coordination of support services for pregnant women

Today's blog post is going to cover a piece of work we are currently doing in collaboration with Acacia Ridge Community Support Inc! For those not familiar with what 'service mapping' is, it is essentially a stocktake of available services in the local community to better understand what is available.

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